Teaching & Preaching by Ian :
Podcast Teaching Sydney C3 { 2018 } : Open Heaven http://podcasts.c3centralcity.org/C3_Central_City_PM20180601.mp3?utm_campaign=Ian%20McCormack&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=63607925&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9rDnJeMCvEJ0a1XRqbUwsDB6AEstVI1TV0YXI45uyMzsx37ZWgVDVp7Ik_VvBW7oqUpk1F5A8C2lE8aUsxsscOAgD8xQ&_hsmi=63607925
Podcast Teaching Kentucky USA { 2018 } : Divided Heart
0. Healing teaching { 2018 } : Ian teaching in a bible college in Perth
1. Demonic Attack - Revelation TV London: Ian sharing on Part 2 of his testimony on Revelation TV, 2014 - The demonic attack in Maurtius after the accident
2. 5 Fold Teaching :
a. Ian shares on the 5 fold in the local Church. { UK 2017 }
b. Share 5 fold in Perth Australia { 2018 }
c. Ian Teaching on the 5 Fold Church on New Bern North Carolina { 2014 }
3. Ian sharing on Broken Vessels { 2012 }
4. Ian does some Teaching on the 5 fold { 2018 } Perth Australia
5. Who Owns your Heart : UK
Audio : Who has your heart { Filling Station London Feb 2017 }
NZ Old video On Who owns your Heart : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6GB5M9wDGA
6. Ian teaching on " Who has your heart " & The " 5 Fold " in Califorina Easter 2014
7. Ian sharing about Experiencing Heaven { 2012 }
8. Additional preaching from Youtube :
9. An amazing testimony of David Holden who attended one of Ian's meetings in the Bedford Hotel in Brighton, UK - 1993
You can watch it here:
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David's Encounter About this video: |
Podcasts « Blessed International Revival Center
www.blessedintl.com/media-2/podcasts/Desert Blessing. On April 27th, 2014 ... Ian McCormack. On April 20th, 2014 ... Speaker: Ian McCormack. Back to Top. Ian McCormack 4/19/14. On April 19th ...
Teaching on the 5 Fold : Audio
a. 5 Fold Teaching 2012 - Session 1 https://vimeo.com/80133393
b. 5 Fold teaching 2012 - Session 2 https://vimeo.com/80140828
c. 5 Fold Teaching 2012 - Session 3 https://vimeo.com/80145247
d. 5 Fold Teaching - session 4 https://vimeo.com/80179538
e. 5 Fold Teaching - session 5 https://vimeo.com/80179539
Who has your heart :
Profound revelation that God gave to me. – Ian McCormack.
The Mysteries - the mysteries in the Bible
Mystery of Godliness
Mystery of Oneness: the trinity oneness, we are to be one with Him.
Colossians 1:27 Great Mystery – Christ comes into you
To whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among
the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Time: 0:49
Romans 10:9-10 Great Mystery - Salvation
That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart (salvation) that
God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
Time: 0:56
Great Mystery - Godliness
Great Mystery / Israel - Grafted in Israel - into one
Time: 1:06
Ephesians 5:32 The Great Mystery –Marriage
The mystery is great but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.
John 17:20-21
I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believes in Me through their
word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father , are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.
Ruth 1:16
But Ruth said, “ Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you
go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your
God, my God.
Time: 2:49
Time: 3:47
A divided heart; an earthenware vessel with taps leaking wine out.
God’s Presence coming into the vessel then me leaking the wine out. People and things you have given your heart to.
Hard to join and become one; Must leave physically and emotionally and spiritually.
When Conflict comes:
tendency to withdraw back to what is familiar and what is tested in love.
temptation to cohabit or build walls to protect your heart
temptation not to be as vulnerable as we should be.
Time: 7:43
Church - Wanting to serve and minister to people.
Others want to suck you dry – almost a greater demand upon them to drink from your well; your fountain; that you need to minster, help heal, pray, prophesy for them. They don’t want to hear the word ‘No, I’m too tired; I’m too exhausted’.
Time: 8:34
See the crack s in the vessel?
Have you felt at times as though people have smashed into you because they are drowning and want a drink? They see you as almost their life-guard? Be very careful of a drowning person because they can actually kill a lifeguard if they go t too close to them. Knock them out, because drowning person can often stand on the lifeguard and push them under just for a few moments of breathe – it seems illogical but in their panic and desperation to get their head above water they stood and trampled on the lifeguard even though it only enabled them to get, maybe, an extra 20-30seconds breathe; and both would drown.
Time: 9:18
Have you felt at times in ministry, that you have been beaten up, sucked dry and almost downed? Ministry at times can be very demanding. Yes, if people have your heart this is what happens.
Time: 9:42
Time: 10:29
Your heart is spread out among a bunch of different things. You have a divided heart. If you took your different things away – how much of your heart do you think I’ve got? Well that’s a very good question. Well that’s mostly about 90% of my heart and energy and time, I think you mostly get about 10%, you get about a tithe of my heart.
Time: 10:54
He said ‘Do you feel right now, reasonably stretched and fairly sucked dry? I said yes.
He said ‘Well if you’ve only got a portion in your heart to me, how much will you get back? And I
said, ‘Well it mostly feels a bit like a trickle’.
He said ‘Well, I’ve never called you to be a funnel and just have my presence go through you into
other people.” I said ‘Then what am I supposed to do?’
He said, “Ian, What is the greatest commandment?’ I said ‘Well, scriptures tell us to love thy Lord thy
God with all thy heart; with all thy soul and with all thy strength; and to love thy neighbour as
Time: 11:22
Luke 10:27 Love thy God
He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbour as yourself.”
He said ‘Well if you’ve got 90% of your heart in other things, what’s the problem?’
I said ‘Well, if I give you my whole heart how can I love these people?’
He said ‘Ian, let me show you. If you’ve given me your whole heart, what will I do to it?’
I said ‘Well, I know that you have healed my broken heart, and I know when I got saved it
was such ‘first love’ it was like a honeymoon period, but I feel that honeymoon period is gone. It’s as though, I had that intimacy, but now I’ve got this incredible weight of responsibility.
Time: 12:05
He said, Ian, let me show you what will happen if you literally give your whole heart to me, because
where your treasure is, is where your heart is.’
I said ’O.K., please show me what would it look like; what would my vessel look like than what it is right now.”
Instantly he showed me an earthenware vessel, no taps, no cracks and I watched like wine or liquid pouring into it. And as I watched it pouring in, I watched it begin to fill the vessel up and begin to overflow. And the moment I saw this vision, He said ‘Ian, Give unto God and he will give unto you, pressed down, shaken together and running over.’
I thought ‘Oh my Gosh. That’s a whole different.’
He said ‘Ian, I’ve told you I want rivers of living water to flow out of your innermost being. You’ve
right now got trickles. You’ve just like, you’re living off a small percentage because most of your heart is preoccupied trying to help all these people.’
Time: 13:01
I said ‘Isn’t it selfish of me to have all this presence and for me to enjoy the manifest presence of God’s love and glory and fullness.
He said ‘Ian you can do nothing apart from me. (And we love because you first loved us.)
He said, ‘Can you imagine if you, are literally, whole-heartedly, (because if your heart is in heavenly
places, your treasure is in me) no one can take it, no one can harm it, no one can manipulate it, no one can control it because I will protect your heart. If you love someone you give them your heart;
He said if you give your whole heart to me and are you’re filled with the overflowing presence of
God, not only are you fully satisfied, but you instead of having a trickle, you have rivers; you have an absolute abundance like a living spring of life.’
Time: 13:47
I said ‘But, then, how on earth do I touch others and love them?’ Next minute, he opened my eyes and I could see … I don’t know if you’ve ever seen champagne glasses where they file one up and then it overflows and continues to fill up all the other glasses. I saw vessels appear literally all around me and they began to overflow and fill up and overflow and fill up and overflow.
He said ‘If you give unto me, I will give to you 100 fold’.
He said ‘Not only will it satisfy your soul but it will overflow into your… then I suddenly saw the other
vessels: my wife, then I saw my mum and dad, my brother and sister, my mother-in-law, the family, the church, I then saw the lost. I saw that I could have a unlimited access to the source of love and not be sucked dry and burnt out. That I could be fully satisfied in God’s presence and it could overflow. I thought what a completely different image of how to minister under the presence of God.
Time: 14:57
I said’ I have seen so many people that literally have been sucked dry. People have almost looked to them and depended upon them. Some ministers I’d felt that they needed that for their affirmation, or for their sense of identity.
He said ‘Your identity is in me; First love, Father heart of God, I and the Father are one.’
Time: 15:12
I went, ‘Oh my Gosh. If this is right Lord, then I would need to take my heart back from: the church, from the ministry, from my mother, from my wife. I thought how on earth will they handle that - particularly my mother, my wife? The church – if I pull that back it won’t necessarily be obvious, but pull it back from the ministry – won’t be so obvious; but I said it will be from my wife, if I pull my heart back.
Time: 15:42
He said ‘Ian, I look at the heart, not the outward appearance. Like David, I am looking for a heart that
is holy devoted to me.’
He said
Luke 14:26
If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
Time: 16:03
I went ‘Oh my gosh, and then I saw that there were chords. It was almost as though I was umbilicaly- like spiritually joined to my Mum although I had physically left, there was almost like an invisible umbilical cord. And he said ‘I have come to bring a sword to the earth; to cut between the soul and the spirit.
I went well, ‘You didn’t come with a physical sword so You tried to get us to be separated from anything that is not of you in order to be joined to You’.
He said ‘It is the Spirit of Adoption, that we would be sons and daughters of the Most High God.’
Time: 16:33
Romans 8:15
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery leading to fear again but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”
He said ‘Ian, I brought complete opposites. Opposites attract but I am trying to allow you to realise
that relationship and intimacy is the primary revelation. The marriage was in Genesis
Genesis 2: 18-25
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”
And the marriage was in Revelation; the marriage supper of the Lamb. God is looking for a bride, for His wife.
Revelation 19:6-7
Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”
It was given to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Time: 17:01
God designed marriage to meet our need for companionship and to provide an illustration of our relationship with Him.
So He has sent the Holy Spirit to find… what did I do for your marriage with you and Jane?
I said ‘ Well, You sent a messenger to go and literally in many ways, find a wife for me and You led me by the Spirit to Jane’and
He said ‘That’s right, I have sent The Holy Spirit to go look for a bride for my Son and this is the
greatest mystery.
Time: 17:30
I went ‘Oh my Gosh, I’m getting it. Help me. So I prayed, “Lord I do take my heart back, I love my wife but I take my heart back, and I take it back from my Mum, and the Lord began to deal with me. I found instantly my connection back with the presence of God, I found I came back into my First Love. I tried to share with Jane, she could hear it but she was confused, she was thinking I was rejecting her. She could feel me drawing back my heart from her.
Time: 18:02
And then one day, as we were ministering and praying for a couple in this area, she came back and went home. She said ‘Ian, what you were just praying, I have no authority to pray. That young girl you were talking about is me. I have given, and God has shown me, my heart to my Mum, to my two spiritual mums. I have been in the church all my life. I have given my heart to so many different areas and I now realise what’s happening is that I’ve even had sown into my heart by good Christian women, you can’t trust men. Be very careful about being manipulated and controlled. It was sowing mistrust and He said the basis of love was trust. So she began to pray.
Time: 18:44
She said I even see that we had like siphon hoses and were sucking off other people… we were living almost off other peoples’ spirituality. And she said ‘I’m going to pray. So she went and prayed and she came back into the bedroom and I looked at her. In an instant, for the first time in our marriage, I felt we joined. She looked at me and said ‘I have been filled with trust’. I said ‘I feel my love for you now literally touching your heart and there was such a oneness. And I went, ‘Oh my gosh’, I said ‘You have taken your heart back from me and given it to the Lord.
Time: 19:29
‘ … and I said’ and you know that I’ve done that, I love you , I absolutely love you honey. And we had for the first time in life, it was like the mystery of what it was to have given our heart fully to the Lord and yet to be married, and to love one another from a heart that’s been totally devoted to Christ. And it was transformation, absolute total transformation.
Time: 19:57
God then began to un-package what happens when we don’t give our heart wholly to the Lord and we put it into our children. Of course when those children grow up and go away. Part of that Mother’s heart is gone. They can almost feel the pain if the relationship in the child’s marriage is not working. So many things I could see were affecting marriage and marriage counselling and where there was almost breakdown in marriage relationships. I could then see the insecurity and fear that was coming into the congregation and in the church. And although we had a love for Christ; there was almost as though there was a dependency upon individuals. And it was devastating.
Time: 20:44
And He said ‘Ian, I want you to be whole –heartedly devoted to me and where your treasure is, is
where your heart is’.
And He said ‘I truly hold the marriage relationship as one of the greatest examples of what I am
talking about in the knowledge of the mystery of Christ in us.
Time: 21:03
He said then ‘Ian, you must put Me first whole-heart, and then your next relationship –must be
your wife, then your children, then the church, then the ministry. He said, ‘The danger when you put the ministry or the work of the kingdom above your own marriage, it will destroy it.
Time: 21:24
I said, ‘I got it. I am to love her, and to honour her.
He said ‘Stop trying to change her.
I thought ‘Oh gosh, I’ve been trying to fix her.
He said ‘No, no no, stop trying to change your wife, stop trying to fix her. Just love her.
And Jane said, ‘I actually am finding it, because you love me, I’m finding it such an easiness to submit to you and to trust you.’
Time: 21:48
I remember looking at Abraham and Sarah; Abraham was the father of faith and the king looked out and saw how beautiful Sarah was and said ‘I’d like to take you for my wife.’ And of course Abraham, who was married to her, had told everyone that was his sister.
Genesis 12:17-19
But the Lord struck Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abrams wife. Then Pharaoh called Abram and said, “What is this you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? Why did you say, She is my sister, so that I took her for my wife? Now then, here is your wife, take her ad go.”
Time: 22:08
And I thought … what kind of … I just thought well that’s pretty hard stuff for Sara to be handling, and pretty hard stuff for Abraham, the Father of Faith, to be saying. Basically protecting his own skin. But what was interesting was Sarah said nothing.
Time: 22:24
Then when the king takes her into his bed chamber and is about to make love to her, and the Lord says ‘If you touch this woman you’re dead, I’ll kill you. That’s Abraham’s wife.
Genesis 12:17-19
But the Lord struck Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abrams wife. Then Pharaoh called Abram and said, “What is this you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? Why did you say, She is my sister, so that I took her for my wife? Now then, here is your wife, take her ad go.”
Time: 22:40
And the king was so shaken, he said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me? I nearly sinned against God, I nearly sinned against you, I nearly took your wife as mine.’ And I thought what kind of faith would Sarah have, in order to trust the Lord that even though her husband didn’t do it right, God would protect her.
And Jane said to me ‘Ian, I know that you will make mistakes but I do trust God in you. That you love him and that God will honour me and protect me even at times that you do make mistakes.
I said, ‘Thanks dear, it’s hard to lead, it’s hard to be a husband, it’s hard to be head of this house. I said ‘But if you can help me and pray for me, I will desperately try and honour the King of kings, Lord of lords, I will desperately try and walk in love and intimacy for him. And my heart’s desire is be full with his presence, overflowing and literally be able to minister his love and life to the people I meet.
Time: 23:31
He said, ‘Ian, if you tap into the source of love, you will touch peoples’ hearts, not that they would then look to you and depend upon you, but you would teach them to have an undivided heart, whole-hearted devotion to me.
Lord I give you my heart, Lord create in me a clean heart; give me a heart that absolutely adores you. May I maintain the first love, not be so caught up in what I do for God, but my identity to be in who You are. Not in what I do, not in how much giftings or what office you’ve given me, My true identity is in that You love me, You care for me and that in itself is the fullness of the knowledge of God. God is love.
Lord I pray that this helps in some way, untangle perhaps some of the relationship difficulties you have been going through, and I hope it starts to unravel some of the mysteries in your own life and prepare you to meet and be married to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.