The Living Light Book
The Living Light Book
by Jenny Ann Barton
Father Heart Ministries
We all long for a deeper experience of the Father’s Love…..
James and Denise Jordan travel the world with the simple, yet powerful, message that God is a father and He wants to be an Everlasting Father to us all! This life changing message will bring healing and wholeness, but more importantly it will bring us into intimacy with The Father. Their passion is to see Christians entering into this intimacy and learning to live at rest, not striving to earn or achieve acceptance from God, but simply coming as His sons and daughters.
In their own words, “We have found that Father truly is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love - that in knowing Him as sons and daughters, we can rest and enjoy our Christian life!"
Jonnys Book
A Glimpse into the unseen realm of Ian's testimony. Written by a close friend from NZ Jonny Boom.
It can be found on Amazon as a kindle version.
Rollo Hope Music
Rollo is one of the worship leaders at King's Gate where Ian is involved. Rollo recorded a live album earlier in 2011 and you can download it for free by clicking on the link below
Jules Rendell Music
Jules is one of the worship leaders at King's Gate where Ian is involved. Jules has just re-released an EP on iTunes called Sunrise.
Helen Burgess Music
Helen is one of the worship leaders at King's Gate where Ian is involved. She has recently released an amazing album called Welcome of Heaven which was produced by Kevin Prosch.
Pete Hills Music
Pete is a musician and one of the worship leaders at King's Gate Christian Fellowship where Ian is involved. Pete has just released a new live worship album called The Love War which is available through his website or iTunes.
Ian's Spiritual Covering
Ian & Jane's Spiritual Covering : New Zealand Assemblies of God
Ian holds his current ministerial credentials with the New Zealand Assemblies of God and is accountable for those credentials through the Executive Presbytery.
Ian relates directly to the Executive Presbytery via Pastor Denis Humphreys.
As an ordained minister with the the New Zealand Assemblies of God Ian and has been
in full time ministry for over 35 years. He has been involved in church planting, missionary work in S.E. Asia, pastoral care, evangelism, bible school teaching, counseling & most aspects of Christian ministry. He has ministered in over 60 nations around the world.
Ian & Jane have felt the Lord lead them to London, UK to plant a church that helps represent the 5 fold ministry { Eph 4: 11 - 13 } .
After 10 years of pioneering Kings Gate Church in London.
They are now living back in New Zealand
Ian & Jane's home base church in New Zealand is:
Blenheim Harvest Life Church
Pastors Denis & Ruth Humphreys
22 Nelson Street, Blenheim, New Zealand
Post Office Box 466, Blenheim, 7240, New Zealand
Phone : 03 579 1975; Fax : 03 579 1973
Pastor Denis :
Pastor Ruth :
Web Page:
Movie - The Perfect Wave
A full length movie of Ian's testimony has been produced by a film maker in South Africa.
It is to be released in NZ at the end of Jan, 2014, Australia in early Feb, 2014 & South Africa through out Feb, 2014.
Please pray for the USA & UK / Europe release dates.
Here is the cover page of the Perfect Wave movie.
God Bless
Ian & Jane
Church Edit
This website is developed using Church Edit - a website solution for Churches
Rosie Boom
Rosie Boom is a good friend of Ian's who has written a book called "The Gift of Values - a resource for family devotions". The values covered are Honesty, Perseverance, Positive attitudes, Diligence, Courage and Obedience. If you want to encourage your children to adopt these values, take a look at her site.
Cuckfield Gallery
Although David Holden comes from an artistic family he only started, himself, to paint after a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus at one of Ian's meetings. He is based in Sussex, England.
An amazing testimony of David Holden who attended one of Ian's meetings in the Bedford Hotel in Brighton, UK - 1993
You can watch it here:
David's Encounter
David's Encounter
About this video:
"David Holden was a mild-mannered estate agent, until he caught the fire for creativity and art."
Wally and Diana Anchen
Wally and Diane Anchen are artist friends of Ian who live in Australia. They have produced a whole range of childrens puzzle worksheets which are great fun for keeping the kids occupied while teaching them valuable lessons at the same time. They can be downloaded from their website where you will find them under the heading 'Kids Puzzles'
Master Potter is the website of Jill Austin. She has a powerful prophetic anointing and releases the fire of the Holy Spirit, bringing fresh passion and hunger for Jesus Christ.
Jill has passed on to be with the Lord but her ministry that is still run by Linda Valen is touching millions of lives still after her death.