Purchase DVD's & Books : Products - USA

a.   USA : 1 Book & 3 DVD's - eBay { $8.00 }


Ian McCormack Available on eBay



b. USA : 1 DVD { $3 } 




Another contact person if you are in the United States of America and are looking to get my testimony on DVD please contact this Ministry in Virginia { the details can be found below on this page.}


c. USA: 1 Book - Amazon​ { $5.99 includes postage & 4 DVDs }

A Glimpse of Eternity { Paperback } 

Ian McCormack as told by Jenny Sharkey (Author)




Shout the Gospel Ministries - Virginia: { DVD & Book }

Please send your cheque made out to:


Shout the Gospel Ministries,

Mailing address:

2201 Aspen Pl.,


VA 23233,


email: shoutthegospel@yahoo.com


Ordering Form :


Mailing Address :


Email address:

Telephone number:


Please send form and donation to:

Shout The Gospel Ministries, Inc. 2201 Aspen Place, Henrico, VA 23233

email: shoutthegospel@yahoo.com


 DVD or book

Number requested

*A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian McCormack - English DVD


*A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian McCormack - Spanish DVD


*A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian McCormack - English book


*A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian McCormack - Spanish book



* DVDs & Books are available for a suggested donation of $2 / book & $2 / DVD. { includes postage & handling anywhere in the USA }

* Make checks payable to " Shout The Gospel ".


Thank you for your order!







You can now purchase my tesimony on DVD & in a booklet form for $8 on Amazon. Here is the link { for $8 you get 3 DVDs & 1 book }


This book is published in Sweden www.gospelmedia.se


1.   Kindle Version

Kindle Version of Ian Testimony:

Ian's testimony can now be down loaded into your Kindle from Amazon. It costs around $0.99 USA to get the down load this covers Amazons commission.

Please click on the link to view it & if you like it please could you be very kind & write a review on it. This will help.

Richest Blessings Ian 

Access Kindle Version



2.  " A Glimpse of Eternity " - Download a book by Jenny Sharkie (120kB) in Microsoft Word format. If you wish to view this file click here.

(It should fire up within your browser if you have Microsoft Word or the Word Viewer registered on your machine, or else bring up a "Save File" dialog box. If you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer, you can download the free Microsoft Word Document Viewer from here.)
It also can be found on this site for free downloads :

3. Shortened Version  Testimony
- Shortened version of my testimony as we find it on my web page. Ambulance - Back to earth .
4. Fictional Book : " The Third Portal " : On my home page you can read a fictional book that has just been written by a very close friend of mine Jonny Boom. Jonny is from New Zealand and a very close friend. He has travelled with me & has felt the Lord lead him to write this book from a fictional stand point. It is written following my testimony from the unseen realm ... in a similar way the " Peircing the Darkenss " book was written. I pray it bless you . Ian 
The Third Portal
This book can also be purchased on Amazon Kindle:  
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