Ian & Jane's Spiritual Covering : New Zealand Assemblies of God
Ian holds his current ministerial credentials with the New Zealand Assemblies of God and is accountable for those credentials through the Executive Presbytery.
Ian relates directly to the Executive Presbytery via Pastor Denis Humphreys.
As an ordained minister with the the New Zealand Assemblies of God Ian and has been
in full time ministry for over 30 years. He has been involved in church planting, missionary work in S.E. Asia, pastoral care, evangelism, bible school teaching, counseling & most aspects of Christian ministry. He has ministered in over 60 nations around the world.
Ian & Jane have felt the Lord lead them to London, UK to plant a church that helps represent the 5 fold ministry { Eph 4: 11 - 13 } . www.kingsgate.org.uk
Ian & Jane's sending church in New Zealand is:
Harvest Life Church Blenheim
Pastors Denis & Ruth Humphreys
22 Nelson Street, Blenheim, New Zealand
Post Office Box 466, Blenheim, 7240, New Zealand
Phone : 03 579 1975; Fax : 03 579 1973
Church email: info@harvestlife.nz
Web Page: http://www.harvestlife.nz